Just For Women Centre +
Support For All
To ensure that every women, child and their family, in our community, has the support, tools and opportunities they need to live safely, gain financial stability and lead enriched lives.
To work in partnership with the community of Stanley to provide a service that empowers and supports women, children and their families to move beyond the constraints of mental health, poverty, domestic violence and worklessness.
What We Do
Provide a safe space for our community to grow through:
> Health and wellbeing support
> Personal development
> Support into employment
> Training
> Upskilling
> Creative therapy
> Counselling
> Raising aspirations
We Support Individuals, Couples,
Families & Groups

Domestic Abuse Support
Just For Women service supports survivors of abuse through bespoke training programmes.

Learning & Training
Just For Women is dedicated to providing access to training and learning opportunities to ensure everyone in our community can lead enriched lives.

Men's Project
The men’s cree has been running since 2014 working with men struggling with mental health, PTSD and long-term unemployment.

Crafting to Wellness
Crafting to wellness helps women with serious mental illness, trauma, wellbeing high anxieties and those socially isolated.

Working with Female Offenders
Just For Women work with female offenders, allowing them to work their community payback hours in a safe non-judgemental environment.

Counselling Services
Just For Women counselling services supports women, men and young girls with problems.

Mental Health Support
Just For Women bespoke programmes of support are tailored to meet the needs of individuals. Our aim is to raise awareness, dispel the myths and help women of all ages feel supported.

Young Girls Project
The Young Girls Project has ran since 2016 supporting the most vulnerable girls in our community to transform their lives.
Just For Women ensures every women, child and their family, in our community, has the support, tools and opportunities they need to live safely, gain financial stability and lead enriched lives. Our mission is to work in partnership with the community of Stanley to provide a service that empowers and supports women, children and their families to move beyond the constraints of mental health, poverty, domestic violence and worklessness.
Best Sellers
Shop Just For Women +
All profits from our online shop are reinvested to ensure every women, child and their family has the support, tools and opportunities they need to live safely, gain financial stability and lead enriched lives.
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Serenity Garden
This summer we have started work on our serenity garden made possible through funding from Karbon Homes, and help from Stanley Town Council who placed beautiful hanging baskets all around our centre and the entrance into the garden.
With the help of our fantastic volunteers, we set about transforming our garden space into a positive project which will help to promote good health and wellbeing.
The aim is to produce fruit, edible flowers and herbs that could be used in our Tea Room, as well as providing a relaxing and therapeutic space everyone can enjoy.
We also have a purpose-built all-weather summerhouse where we will be running craft workshops, group work and inviting alternative therapists in to conduct reiki, aromatherapy, and life coaching sessions. We also have retreat days to help women and young girls unwind. This tranquil space will be a restful oasis which will aid mental, physical, spiritual and emotional wellness.
That’s What People
Say About Our
Fantastic Services.

Time to Talk Day 2025: A Step Toward Mental Wellness with the Just for Women Centre
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Getting Creative in Fall – How to defeat SAD syndrome
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Just for Women #JustSaying Out of Sight Out of Mind!
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May/June – Living North, Wearing it Green and preparing for NIB
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How Nature Benefits Your Wellbeing
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International Women’s Day 2023 – #EmbraceEquity
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How to Master Self Love / Acceptance / Care
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Time to Talk Day – 2nd of February 2023
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Tips for being MOTIVATED in January and 2023
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