As we have entered a new year, we can feel ready and determined to take on the new year but however January can sometimes feel like it can go on for a long time which leaves us feeling in a slump. With the darker afternoons still lingering and the coldness of the winter leaving us feeling tired and unmotivated to do small or big tasks, although it can be difficult to start getting motivated and focused however the earlier you start making small changes the earlier each week gets. Here are 6 tactics to follow to help get you out of the January Blues.
Why journaling and what is it? Journaling is a form of action that helps to empty your mind whether it is stress, anxiety or even positive thoughts journaling is great way to express how you feel. You can practice journaling in different ways such as purchasing a diary or a journal with a template (with questions or puzzles to help and guide your thoughts and emotions) or even just using a blank booklet/note pad to write or doodle. From the beginning of 2022 and lockdown, thousands of people have taken up journaling due to anxiety and worries over financial and health problems and have stated that since picking up journaling it has massively helped with their mental health and wellbeing.

What do we mean by planning? Sometimes if we have goals and if we want to achieve them what must we do? Answer: PLAN! Otherwise, our goals will not happen without a strategy. Whether it can be something small or big planning and being organized always helps and makes the process less stressful. By doing this we can keep a calendar near us (printed or digital) to pick suitable days and from there you can list on how to reach your goal. It might be hard at the beginning but if you stick to it and keep a routine this makes the process very easy and most importantly you will reach your goals if dedicated.

Exercise is another beneficial tactic to keep us focused and motivated for 2023. Like planning it can be difficult once you first start but if you stick to your routine, it gets easier and your mind and physical health will improve for the better. Exercising helps the brain to be active and alert which makes us more focused on tasks or daily obstacles. Although it might be tricky to do any form of exercise especially if you work during the day and by the time you get home and it is dark outside you can always do any form of exercise in the space of your own home. For instance, you can practice yoga, stretching or dancing e.g., watching Zumba or any form of dancing/workout classes on your TV or digital devices.

Believe it or not your diet makes a whole big difference to your physical and mental performance. Although in January when the afternoons are darker and colder, we tend to stay indoors and binge eat, this can be out boredom or for comfort. Even though some bites can be healthy however if we over eat it can be sometimes unhealthy and cause weight gain.

Sleep pattern
Keeping a sleep pattern/routine again helps our mind to be focused, active and alert throughout our day. It also has an effect on our mood and body clock. To stick to a sleep routine, you can set times for your bedtime pattern and also remember to keep of digital devices before you sleep. Why? The light from our electrical devices keeps our brain active which then makes it difficult to fall asleep as your mind is in function mode which makes it a slower process to fall asleep. Evening listening to loud music keeps the brain alert so instead try journaling or reading your favorite book, this then not only occupies your mind but it also helps you to fall asleep quicker by making your mind and body tired.

You can socialize in different forms such as getting out in general, telephoning to check up on friends and family or if your feeling brave and techy you can have access to zoom and organize group meetings or games/quiz night. Even meeting up with loved ones for weekends for walks, brunch, coffee or a road trip gets us out of our homes and refreshes us.

Here is a video that we have created to help get you motivated through the darker afternoons