Today is the 8th of March which means it is International Women’s Day and here at the Just for Women centre we value this special occasion as we host a variety of workshops and services to women and young girls. We specify on women’s health, wellbeing and provide guidance for those that come to our centre for our services and care and strive to continue to do more. We are celebrating International Women’s Day at the Just for Women Centre, the theme of this year is #EmbraceEquity which we will explore true belonging. It is something that we need to think abut, know, value and most importantly embrace, equity means creating an inducive world.
What does equity mean?
The term “equity” refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.

Just for Women Celebrating IWD – Our Morning Get Together
Because IWD is such a close cause to our hearts every year we invite our women that attend the centre for our services to come and join our morning get together where the women can spend time together and discuss the topic of this year’s theme Embracing Equity. Liese Weatherspoon who is one of our counsellors hosted the gathering and also presented a slideshow to the group to learn and discuss the history and why the theme was important. Lise and the women also partook in games to and more discussions for the women to mix and make new friends. Near the end of the get together Liese had some gifts to give out to the women that attended the morning and also our booklets (activity and menopause booklets). The morning through out was a big success with loads of smiling faces and laughs and the women left with a positive perspective on this very important cause.