Mental Health Support
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them”
“Don’t judge me on my appearance. Judge me on my actions”
“Keep the Faith within and you will survive”

Mental Health Awareness
Menopause is often referred to as ‘the change’ and too often women suffer in silence due to a lack of awareness and understanding. For many women menopause still remains a ‘taboo’ subject which may result in them feeling isolated, lonely and frustrated. Here at the Women’s Centre we hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding this transition and assist women to have a more informed choice about how to manage the menopausal symptoms that impact upon their daily life.
A monthly peer support group draws like minded women together, who are encouraged to openly discuss and share their problems and concerns.
Our aim is to raise awareness, dispel the myths and help women of all ages feel supported. Workshops take place in a fun and relaxed way so that those experiencing transition may take ownership of ‘their menopause’ and how to manage symptoms.